Jewett Bubar logo Introduction Biography California Landscapes Movie Posters Other Work
page title: Introduction Jewett Bubar logo





Some people are just born artists. I came to that conclusion early in my life while watching my grandfather - Jewett Bubar - working in his studio at his home in Alameda, California.

His studio was a small, knotty pine room, with a set of French doors that looked out into a large backyard, complete with a fishpond built by my father sometime during the Depression. This room was magical - and it seemed to tell me all I needed to know about how I wanted to look at the world - through an artist's eyes.

It is a testament to Jewett Bubar's work, that it always managed to captivate me, even though I can barely remember anything he ever may have said to me directly - for this was a dyed-in-the-wool New Englander, a man of very few words... but those pictures, those caricatures he'd doodle on bits of paper - those told me volumes about both my love of art, as well as about my respect for my grandfather.

For some years since his passing in 1968, I have wanted to collect what remains of his work in one place - to catalog and document it for future generations. This website will be devoted to that goal.

I have in my possession maybe a half dozen lobby posters and theatre-related work that Jewett did for various theatre venues while employed by Paramount-Publix and, later, by Fox West Coast theatres in the 1920's and 1930's. These are done in a variety of media, including poster paint, oil, and chalk. Additionally, I have at least a dozen of Jewett's landscape paintings and sketches - mostly done in oil paints.

It is my hope that, as time goes on, Jewett Bubar's commercial and landscape art will be more generally recognized. I also hope that I will be able to locate many of his works - including theatre posters and personal portrait commissions - that he did between the years 1917-1968.



--- Richard Apple